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Artist Statement for Clearwings
This series is about developing yourself in the present while creating future plans. I use the symbol of the jungle dwelling clearwing butterfly and chrysalis to illustrate these states of being. The chrysalis of the butterfly appears metallic and reflective unlike other species whose chrysalis is made to disappear in its surroundings. The time when the clearwing butterfly is still developing is the time when it’s most beautiful and substantial. When it emerges the wings are mostly transparent, and while still quite lovely and delicate it seems almost unfinished. It’s a partially formed idea of a future butterfly. The images of nests and webs represent homes of various creatures that can be viewed as either welcoming or threatening. Paired with the butterfly it asks the question, “is planning for your future home nesting, or weaving a trap for yourself?” The dashed lines that appear with the chrysalis symbolize following a plan you’re creating, like patterns for a dress or a route on a road map. The series celebrates the process of becoming while questioning what kind of future is being formed.